Avaya OneSource is the new face of the Avaya commercial processes and tools—delivering a streamlined, consolidated, front- office platform and global pricing structure for the entire Avaya portfolio.
We're creating a new world. A world built around next-generation solutions. Solutions that transform the way we communicate. Experiences that are world-class.

Review the Avaya IP Office Release 11—tools and resources you need. Read the Avaya IP Office Release 11 product offer definition document. View the Avaya IP Office Release 10-11 upgrade job aid. Check out the Avaya IP Office Release 11 training videos.

Check out Avaya Stream, an educational video resource library for everything that’s trending with Avaya.

Avaya makes it easy to promote, demonstrate, and sell products. Give your reps this handy shortcut page, so they have every Avaya tool at their fingertips. No more looking up URLs—just click and go!