If you're looking into your enterprise communications practices, keep in mind the industry is changing. With many new applications on the market, and environments made up of disparate systems, unified communications has set the stage for a singular way to integrate communications-enabled business processes. Many organizations are providing better collaboration by deploying open platform endpoints which are mobile, social, and video-enabled. The market is filled with endless possibilities, but where does the traditional desk-phone fit?
In 2017, Gartner estimated that 70% of all enterprise users still invest in, and rely on, hard phones. Clearly, enterprises are not yet ready to move away from the desk phone, and why do they need to? The right desktop device can support future innovation and flexible collaboration options. Avaya's new Open SIP phones are on the leading edge of the market transformation, and are designed to be the communication and collaboration desk phones of the next generation.
From walk-up to executive to remote use, these devices are designed to meet specific user requirements. Avaya's Open SIP devices include broad-range support of third-party, hosted, call-control platforms, with enterprise-grade security to protect your business communications.